Essential Oils for the Full Moon

Over the last few years there has been a rise in the talk of "Lunar Living" - made popular by the wonderful author Kirsty Gallagher we are now living in a time where people are returning to lunar cycles, crystals and the natural world for guidance and support in their daily, modern life.
What a time to be alive people!
And what's not to love about the lunar cycle? Not only is it beautiful, it is a reminder of time, life cycles, and has a huge energy over the way our world works (High tide anyone...) The added extra is that both the New Moon and the Full Moon give us an opportunity every month to pause, reflect and take stock which if you're anything like me - does wonders for your mind!
What's significant about the Full Moon?
The Full Moon is the half way point in the lunar cycle and as such it is a time to both celebrate and reflect. The Full Moon asks you to look back at the lunar cycle so far and celebrate you, your power, what you have completed and what wondrous things you have enjoyed. At which point you can then reflect on what keeps you stuck, so that you know what you need to let go of and release. Perhaps you need to let go of self doubt, fear, negative people so that you can truly thrive and step into your dreams!
How do I use Essential Oils for the Full Moon
It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of rituals - I've got three small children so anything that sounds's just not a vibe. But I do make an effort around the Full Moon to both celebrate my achievements and reflect on what I need to discard. I find if I miss doing it...time goes on and I start to get a little foggy. For me, it's a focus finder.
Here are my simple ideas to celebrate the Full Moon with Essential Oils
Full Moon Essential Oil Bath
A super soak is the perfect way to celebrate yourself, indulging the senses and giving you a moment of time to reflect and to enjoy looking back at the previous couple of weeks. I lean on essential oils that harness feminine energy (to align with the moon), and oils that are luxurious. So I add a few drops of Rose Oil for the heart, Sweet Orange for the Soul, and Frankincense for grounding to the bath water before sinking in and thinking of everything good I have achieved so far this cycle.
- 1 Cup of Epsom Salt and Himalayan Salt mix
- 3 Drops of Rose Essential Oil
- 3 Drops of Orange Essential Oil
- 3 Drops of Frankincense Essential Oil
Add each to the warm running water...and sink on in....
Full Moon Essential Oil Massage
If you are looking to go a little further in your indulgent full moon celebration of you - add the same essential oils - Rose Oil, Sweet Orange and Frankincense to a carrier oil such as almond oil and massage into slightly damp skin for a soothing and restorative skin massage.
- 1 tablespoon of Almond Oil
- 3 Drops of Rose Essential Oil
- 1 Drop of Sweet Orange Essential Oil
- 1 Drop of Frankincese Essential Oil
Add to a small bowl, combine and massage into the skin
Full Moon Shower Steam
If you are not big on the bath (I know you're out there), simply add a few drops of Eucalyptus Oil to a steamy shower and take the time to reflect on all you have achieved. Eucalyptus Oil is long associated with the moon and health and is a super essential oil to embrace your mind and body.
Essential Oils for the Full Moon to Let Go..
After you've given yourself a good pat on the back and a lovely oily treatment, it's time to use the full moon as a moment to reflect on what no longer serves you and what needs to go.
For this - take a moment to write down what you want to let go before placing it in a bin, or burning it (if that's your thing!)...and whilst you write, gain clarity and support with this full moon diffuser blend
Full Moon Diffuser Blend
Myrhh, Sandalwood and Eucalyptus....Okay - so not everyone has these essential oils in their kit but if you do..then lucky you, and if you don't consider them when planning your future Full Moon Essential Oils Kit.
Myrhh is long associated with spirituality and the moon (with Frankincense representing the Sun), Sandalwood is a great essential oil for purification and Eucalyptus has been associated with cooling emotions, clearing energy and the moon.
Combined they make a great full moon essential oil diffuser blend.
- 4 Drops of Myrhh
- 3 Drops of Sandalwood
- 1-2 Drops of Eucalyptus
*Together they also make a super roller blend for the full moon when added to 10ml of carrier oil.*
Full Moon Diffuser Blend
If you don't have the option of the above blend - try diffusing a simple Rosemary and Lemon mix, these essential oils are so clever at cleansing the space & the mind so that you can focus on what needs to go from your life.
- 4 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil
- 4 Drops of Rosemary Essential Oil
There are many more ways you can support yourself during a Full Moon such as burning incense or sage to clear your space, but I hope this helps you start thinking about simple ways to move with the moon.